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  2. Other
  3. Give us feedback or request a feature

Give us feedback or request a feature

Your opinion is of high importance to all of us here at Content Snare. If there’s anything you’d like to suggest that could add more value to your experience as a user, we’d love to hear it and take it on board for future developments.

To make your suggestion, please email us at [email protected] or leave a message using the chat widget to hit us with your feedback. Constructive criticism and suggestions for new features are equally appreciated — don’t hesitate to tell the truth when composing your message.

Note: It’s useful to check our roadmap first, but we’d still like to hear your suggestions as well.

Reporting a bug or error

To report a bug or error, kindly email us at [email protected] or leave a message using the chat widget to let us know as much as you can about it.

We’d be grateful if you reported this directly to us, as it will allow us to look into the situation with urgency and ensure your user experience doesn’t remain compromised for much longer. When composing your message, try including answers to at least some of the following questions:

  • Which browser are you using? (e.g: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc)
  • Which Operating System are you using? (e.g: Windows, Apple, etc)
  • Does the issue happen every time?
  • Can you please provide a brief outline of the steps involved to recreate the issue?

The more information you can provide us with, the faster we’ll be able to solve the problem and get things running smoothly again for you.

Next steps:

Updated on April 16, 2024

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