What if my client doesn’t know how to use Content Snare? Content Snare has been designed to make it as easy as possible to submit information, so often there is little...
Do you have a discount for non-profits? We do! If you’re a non-profit signing up to Content Snare, we’d be delighted to offer you a discount on...
Can I see what it looks like for my clients? You sure can. There are a few ways: 1. Instant preview, no account required You can do this even if...
How can I embed a request on my website? This is an advanced article! Important note Let’s start with an important note. Embedding a request does not mean that...
Can clients view completed requests? No, clients cannot view completed requests. If they try to access a request you marked as completed using the original...
Can clients export requests? No, clients cannot export requests. They only get to see the navigation bar and request fields without additional options that...
Do clients have to submit every question? Your clients do have to submit every question for review in order for you to be able to approve their...
Can I change fonts and design? You cannot change fonts and design in Content Snare. This may become possible in the future, but we’ll keep the...
Can my free trial be extended? Yes, a free trial can be extended upon your request. If you feel you haven’t had the chance to explore...
What happens when an account is deleted? Inactive accounts are automatically deleted after 90 days. This includes expired trials and canceled paid accounts. If you would like...
Why should I choose Content Snare? There are many reasons to choose Content Snare, but the obvious benefit is that we put an end to the...
What is an active request? An active request is live, accessible to your client, and available to be filled out. A request becomes active from...
How do I remove the 20MB file size limit? If you’re on a free trial, the maximum file size your clients can upload is 20MB (for individual files). If...
How can I embed a request on my website? This is an advanced article! Important note Let’s start with an important note. Embedding a request does not mean that...
Do you have a discount for non-profits? We do! If you’re a non-profit signing up to Content Snare, we’d be delighted to offer you a discount on...
What if my client doesn’t know how to use Content Snare? Content Snare has been designed to make it as easy as possible to submit information, so often there is little...
Can I reduce the space between questions? You cannot reduce the space between questions in Content Snare. This spacing format proved to be the best for speeding...