Create requests in bulk with Zapier The best way to learn about how to bulk create and/or bulk send requests using the Zapier integration is by...
Get a daily summary email with Zapier We currently do not have a feature that allows you to receive a daily summary of all questions completed by...
Export multiple requests to a spreadsheet with Zapier Content Snare doesn’t currently have the ability to export multiple requests to a single spreadsheet. There is a workaround for...
Using Content Snare with Forms We often get asked if it’s possible to put a Content Snare request on a website so that anyone can...
Merge and combine PDFs with Zapier With this workflow, you can combine all the files uploaded by your clients to a Content Snare request into a...
Scheduled and Recurring Requests In this article, you’ll learn how to create an advanced dashboard to schedule and recur requests in Content Snare. Prerequisites...