Note: This is an advanced article!
Advanced customers can take greater control over the email templates in Content Snare.
We use Liquid templates.
This makes it simple to add conditional content to your emails, for example:
{% if contains "Website" %}
This will be displayed only if the request name contains the word "Website"
{% endif %}
To learn how conditionals work in Liquid, read this documentation. You can see what operators you can use here.
The Truthy rules can be used to create a condition like this, that will only display if a PIN code exists on the request.
{%- if request.share_passcode -%}
The passcode required to access the link: {{request.share_passcode}} {%- endif -%}
Note: This block has a hyphen in the tag, like {%- and -%}. This ensure that no extra whitespace, like a paragraph is added.
Here’s another example that would display the text only if the client has completed less than 20% of their request.
{% assign percent = request.completion_percentage | ceil %}
{% if percent_number < 20 %}
This will be displayed only if the request is less than 20% complete
{% else %}
20% complete or more
{% endif %}
In this example, our completion percentage variable is text that includes the percentage sign (e.g. 25%) – the “ceil” filter converts this to a number so we can use it with the < operator.
Liquid Variables & Objects
When writing your templates, here is a list of the objects & variables available to you.
Note, some of the below contain filters, which change the output of each variable. For example, the lines where you can see “img_tag” convert the image URL into a HTML image tag.
All of these are text types.
Description | Variable |
Current Date | now | date |
Your Company Name | |
Your Company Contact | |
Your Company Image | company.image | img_tag |
Your Company Image URL | company.image |
Request Owner Full Name | |
Request Owner First Name | owner.contact_first_name |
Request Owner Last Name | owner.contact_last_name |
Request Owner Email | |
Request Owner Image | owner.image | img_tag |
Request Owner URL | owner.image |
Request % Completed (includes % sign) | request.completion_percentage |
Request Days Remaining | request.days_remaining |
Client Company Name | client.company_name |
Client Contact Full Name | |
Client Contact First Name | client.contact_first_name |
Client Contact Last Name | client.contact_last_name |
Client Email | |
Client Image | client.image | img_tag |
Client Image URL | client.image |
Folder Name | |
Request Name | |
Request Link URL | | link_to: |
Request Link Button | Click here to access | button_to: |
Request Share Pin Code | request.share_passcode |
Request Due Date | request.due_date |
Client Password Reset Link | request.password_update_link | link_to: request.password_update_link |
Plus these boolean values:
Description | Variable |
Request is shared by link (no login needed) | request.is_shared |
Request requires login and client has not accepted invitation | request.requires_activation |