1. Help
  2. Templates
  3. Template Types & Overview

Template Types & Overview

Depending on your business, you may often request similar information across different clients. Templates enable you to re-use the same requests, pages, or sections across multiple clients.

For example, a contact page on a website typically contains elements like an email address, phone number, physical address, and the option to have a map. You could save this group of elements as a page or section template and re-use it for another client in a matter of seconds.

Built-in templates

Content Snare has dozens of built-in templates to help you get started faster. You can check them out over at the Templates tab — just scroll past My Templates and you’ll see all of the built-in ones.

In addition, you can go directly to one of the template categories by clicking it on the left side of the dashboard. 

Note: If you don’t have a Content Snare account, you can browse our existing templates here.

Types of templates

There are three types of templates in Content Snare:

  • Requests
  • Pages
  • Sections

You can find them all on the Templates page:

You can use page and section templates as building blocks for your requests. For instance, you might have a generic request template that you send to all clients, but then add a page or two that are specific to that client.

It’s not possible to edit a ready-made template, but you can make a copy and then edit it as needed. 

Next steps:

Updated on September 23, 2024

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