Field / Question Types

Field types allow you to request different types of data from your clients. You can choose from more than 20 field types when adding a field to your request.

Here’s a summary of all the different field types and some examples of how they can be used.

Common fields

1. Single Line Text

A simple, single line text field.

Examples: Company name, Service name

2. Multiline Text

This field is made for larger blocks of text.

Examples: Target audience description, Service description

3. Formatted Text

This allows formatting of text, such as making things bold, underlining, creating headings, etc.

Examples: Target audience description, Service description but with formatting

4. Image(s) Upload

This field allows your client to click on the Upload button and choose an image. Here, you may also enable multiple images and allow them to upload as many as is required for the project.

Examples: Upload your logo, Provide a background image

5. File(s) Upload

This is similar to an image upload but allows other types of files.

Examples: Upload your brochure, Upload your terms and conditions, Upload your product disclosure statement

Validated fields

6. Email

This is similar to a text field but ensures a valid email address is entered. If not, a message is displayed to your client.

7. Address

Automatically searches for a Google Maps address based on what is typed in.

8. URL

This is similar to a text field but ensures a valid URL is entered. If not, a message is displayed to your client.

9. Number

This field requires a number to be entered by your client and shows an appropriate warning message if they enter text instead.

Examples: How many members of staff do you have? How many years have you been trading?

10. Phone

This field is similar to the number field. However, it makes sure a phone number is entered (international numbers can also be entered). If the client enters a set of numbers that doesn’t constitute a valid phone number, a clear error message is displayed.

11. Currency

This field can be locked to a special currency. This is best used when inquiring about finances, quotes, debts, etc.

12. Date/Time

This provides a calendar & time popup for your client to select a date & time.

Examples: Event date, Desired campaign start date

Selection fields

13. Multiple Choice (radio)

This field allows you to provide one or more checkboxes in a group for your client to check/uncheck. They can also be default checked or unchecked.

Examples: Select which options you would like to add to your footer, Choose the desired features of your eCommerce system, and Choose the shipping methods you’d like to offer

14. Single Choice (checkboxes)

This field allows your client to choose one option from a group of options with a radio selector.

Examples: Which style header would you like out of these? Choose your favorite blog layout from these options.

15. Dropdown

This is a drop-down selection that allows your client to choose one response.

Examples: Which country are you based in? Which category does your business fall under?

16. Image Choice

Here, you can upload multiple images so your client can choose one of them. This is especially useful if you wish to give them a few options for a header image, for example.

Examples: What style header would you like? What kind of blog layout would you like visually? Which image would you like to use for the header of your website?

Special fields

17. Table

A great option for when you don’t know the potential number of people, things, services, etc. that your client will write down.

You can copy external info from other spreadsheets and the info will be appropriately pasted as responses.

18. Signature

This can be used as a way for your client to confirm that the information provided is correct. For a more accurate signature, we suggest having your clients sign using their phones as Content Snare is device agnostic.

Note: Please check your local laws regarding the validity of digital signatures and their binding. 

19. Task List

In some instances, clients will respond better to To-Do lists. This field was made specifically for those cases.

It’s similar to the checkbox field but with an added sense of completion.

20. Icon Selector

This field allows your client to choose an icon from the many we have available within our library. Here, you may also enable multiple answers and allow them to choose as many as is required for the project.

Examples: Which icon would you like to use to symbolize the comment section of your blog? Which icon would you like to use to symbolize your email address?

21. Color Picker

If you’d like your client to select a specific color, they can do so using the color picker. Your client can play around and create a custom color or, if they already have something in mind, they can enter the hex code for that color and it’ll appear.

Examples: What color would you like all links to be? What color would you like to use as the running theme of your blog?

22. Button

This field is perfect for collecting the necessary content to create buttons for any website. For the field to be valid, your client must enter their desired button text and link to the URL.

Examples: What social media buttons would you like for your website? What would you like your contact button to be called and where would you like it to link to?

Next steps:

Updated on March 24, 2024

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