You can easily cancel your Content Snare account anytime. Should you wish to do so, click the avatar in the upper-right corner and then choose My Plan from the drop-down menu. Once there, click Deactivate account to cancel your subscription:
How do I cancel a free trial?
You don’t need to cancel it as your account will automatically expire at the end of your trial. If you’d like to cancel before the trial ends, reach out to us using the chat widget at the bottom right of your dashboard.
Will I be charged after the trial?
No, you won’t be charged after your free trial. Content Snare doesn’t require any card details when starting a 14-day trial.
If you have chosen a plan and added your credit card details, your first payment will occur at the end of your trial. If you change your mind before then, you can remove your card in Manage Billing under My Plan: