
Content Snare integrates with Dropbox, so you can automatically sync your files and documents with this online storage platform. 

How to set up your Dropbox integration

Go to the Content Snare dashboard and click the avatar in the top-right corner. Choose Settings from the drop-down menu and click Applications on the left.

You’ll see a list of apps, so just click Integrate with Dropbox

Note: The system will automatically send an email to inform you that the Dropbox integration was enabled. 

This will open a pop-up window asking you to configure Dropbox integration. Notice that Dropbox automatically created the Apps folder with the Content Snare folder in it. 

Set up a path where Content Snare will store files inside this folder. You can include placeholders like the client name and the request name. Once done, complete the rest of the settings and click Activate in the bottom-right corner.

Note: Files that you or your client deletes in Content Snare are not deleted in the integration. They are renamed in the format: [filename]-deleted-[yyyymmdd]-[hhmmss].[extension]

Once set up, you can also manually export requests to Dropbox: 

Should you wish to reconfigure or remove this integration, you’ll find both options in Settings → Applications → Dropbox.

Automatically upload client files

It’s possible to choose when to send files to Dropbox. There are three options in the drop-down menu:

Just choose the preferred option and then click Update to reconfigure settings.

Automatically generate export file

The request PDF export can be generated automatically if you enable this option in settings. To do that, update your Dropbox configuration by enabling automatic exports:

You can also change the default export format (PDF) from the drop-down menu and choose whether to include confidential answers.

Next step:

Updated on April 2, 2024

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