Here’s a list of the events that trigger webhooks within Content Snare, and the payloads in those webhooks.
Product Webhooks
- Product Item Used
- Product Item Returned
- Product Item Exhausted
- Product Item Manual Purchase
- Product Item Auto Purchase
- Product Item Purchase Failed
Request Webhooks
- Request Created
- Request Updated
- Request Deleted
- Request Drafted
- Request Published
- Request Completed
- Request Archived
- Request Viewed
- Request Create Failed
- Request Update Failed
- Request Delete Failed
- Kanban Column Updated
Field Webhooks
- All Fields Completed
- Field Completed
- Field Approved
- Field Rejected
- Comment Added
Client Webhooks
- Client Created
- Client Updated
- Client Deleted
- Client Create Failed
- Client Update Failed
- Client Delete Failed
Team Member Webhooks
- Team Member Created
- Team Member Updated
- Team Member Deleted
- Team Member Create Failed
- Team Member Update Failed
- Team Member Delete Failed
Communication Webhooks
- SMS Message Delivered
- SMS Message Failed
- Email Message Delivered
- Email Message Bounced
- Email Message Spammed
For each webhook, there is a specific JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) payload. These are as follows:
Product Item Used
Example JSON payload:
"event_name": "product_item_used",
"id": "vss_M1yg0LAfjBg9rD",
"quantity": 1,
"client_full_name": "1Test",
"client_email": "[email protected]",
"request_name": "Website Page Information",
"product": "identityverification",
"request_id": "req_7v80jRXC4M0mAo",
"page_id": "pag_k5vqbXLtO5r9YP",
"section_id": "sec_36DNbxLI29QbxV",
"field_id": "fld_B783LN8u6LaeEq",
"account_id": "acc_vK7Zym9U35Z69l"
Product Item Returned
Example JSON payload:
"event_name": "product_item_returned",
"id": "vss_M1yg0LAfjBg9rD",
"quantity": 1,
"client_full_name": "1Test",
"client_email": "[email protected]",
"request_name": "Website Page Information",
"product": "identityverification",
"request_id": "req_7v80jRXC4M0mAo",
"page_id": "pag_k5vqbXLtO5r9YP",
"section_id": "sec_36DNbxLI29QbxV",
"field_id": "fld_B783LN8u6LaeEq",
"account_id": "acc_vK7Zym9U35Z69l",
"text": "Credit returned due to client declining license rights"
Product Item Exhausted
Example JSON payload:
"event_name": "product_item_exhausted",
"quantity": 0,
"client_full_name": "1Test",
"client_email": "[email protected]",
"request_name": "Website Page Information",
"id": "vss_O6oWgeQaIOgXE0",
"product": "identityverification",
"request_id": "req_7v80jRXC4M0mAo",
"page_id": "pag_XQL19kKu5xo2YP",
"section_id": "sec_yO4No1PU36Qd6Z",
"field_id": "fld_1lqbwY6TXM6PmA",
"account_id": "acc_vK7Zym9U35Z69l"
Product Item Manual Purchase
Example JSON payload:
"event_name": "product_item_manual_purchase",
"id": "pmn_5MlDbWpmhD3rg4",
"status": "paid",
"account_id": "acc_e7EVAXvJfxZ9zb",
"payment_initiator": "customer",
"quantity": 10,
"invoice": "CS-5734",
"product": "identityverification"
Product Item Auto Purchase
Example JSON payload:
"event_name": "product_item_auto_purchase",
"id": "pmn_5MlDbWpmhD3rg4",
"status": "paid",
"payment_initiator": "merchant",
"quantity": 10,
"invoice": "CS-5735",
"product": "identityverification"
Product Item Purchase Failed
Example JSON payload:
"event_name": "product_item_purchase_failed",
"id": "pmn_5MlDbWpmhD3rg4",
"status": "not_paid",
"account_id": "acc_e7EVAXvJfxZ9zb",
"payment_initiator": "customer",
"quantity": 10,
"product": "identityverification",
"error_messages": [
"Failed to activate auto collection on the billing side"
Request Created
Example JSON payload:
{ "id": "0", "event_name": "request_created", "name": "Example Request", "url": "", "status": "draft", "due_date": "2020-10-20", "folder_name": "Default Folder", "request_template_name": "Example Template", "communications_template_name": "Default", "completion_percentage": "0", "owner_name": "Example Owner", "author_name": "Example Author", "client": { "id": "0", "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "", } }
Request Updated
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "request_updated", "id": 0, "name": "Example Request", "status": "draft", "due_date": "2020-10-20", "folder_name": "Default Folder", "url": "", "pin_code_enabled": true, "pin_code": "1234", "request_template_name": "Example Template", "communications_template_name": "Default", "completion_percentage": 0, "share_link": "", "share_via_link_enabled": true, "owner_name": "Example Owner", "author_name": "Example Author", "client_status": null, "client": { "id": 0, "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "" }, "clients": [ { "id": 0, "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "" } ] }
Request Deleted
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "request_destroyed", "id": 0 }
Request Draft
Example JSON payload:
"event_name": "request_draft",
"id": "req_pKDOaKtjPY3z5o",
"name": "Example Request",
"url": "",
"status": "draft",
"due": "2024-04-23",
"folder_name": "Default Folder",
"passcode_enabled": false,
"share_link": "",
"share_via_link_enabled": true,
"communications_template_name": "None",
"completion_percentage": 3,
"comments_enabled": true,
"request_template_name": "Tax Return Documentation - Business (USA)",
"owner_name": "Example Owner",
"author_name": "Example Author",
"client_status": null,
"due_date": "2024-04-23",
"pin_code_enabled": false,
"client": {
"id": "acc_3Z02jLuqYAN0eX",
"email": "[email protected]",
"full_name": "Paulyn",
"phone": null,
"avatar": null,
"company_name": null,
"url": ""
"clients": [
"id": "acc_3Z02jLuqYAN0eX",
"email": "[email protected]",
"full_name": "Paulyn",
"phone": null,
"avatar": null,
"company_name": null,
"url": ""
Request Published
Example JSON payload:
{ "id": "0", "event_name": "request_published", "name": "Example Request", "status": "published", "due_date": "2020-10-20", "folder_name": "Default Folder" "url": "", "pin_code_enabled": "true", "pin_code": "1234", "request_template_name": "Example Template", "communications_template_name": "Default", "completion_percentage": "0", "share_link": "", "owner_name": "Example Owner", "author_name": "Example Author", "client": { "id": "0", "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "", } }
Request Completed
Example JSON payload:
{ "id": "0", "event_name": "request_completed", "name": "Example Request", "status": "published", "due_date": "2020-10-20", "folder_name": "Default Folder" "url": "", "pin_code_enabled": "true", "pin_code": "1234", "request_template_name": "Example Template", "communications_template_name": "Default", "completion_percentage": "0", "share_link": "", "owner_name": "Example Owner", "author_name": "Example Author", "client": { "id": "0", "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "", }, pages: [{ name: "Example Page 1", instruction_text: "Example Page 1 Instructions", sections: [{ name: "Example Section 1", instruction_text: "Example Section 1 Instructions", fields: [{ name: "Example Field 1", instruction_text: "Example Field 1 Instructions", type: "text", status: "approved", values: [], values_flat: "" }], fields_count: 1 }], fields_count: 1 }] }
Request Archived
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "request_archived", "id": 0, "name": "Example Request", "status": "archived", "due_date": "2020-10-20", "folder_name": "Default Folder", "url": "", "pin_code_enabled": true, "pin_code": "1234", "request_template_name": "Example Template", "communications_template_name": "Default", "completion_percentage": 0, "share_link": "", "share_via_link_enabled": true, "owner_name": "Example Owner", "author_name": "Example Author", "client_status": null, "client": { "id": 0, "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "" }, "clients": [ { "id": 0, "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "" } ], "pages": [ { "toc_order_label": "1.0", "name": "Example Page 1", "instruction_text": "Example Page 1 Instructions", "sections": [ { "toc_order_label": "1.1", "name": "Example Section 1", "instruction_text": "Example Section 1 Instructions", "fields": [ { "name": "Example Field 1", "instruction_text": "Example Field 1 Instructions", "type": "text", "status": "approved", "values": [], "values_flat": "" } ], "fields_count": 1 } ], "fields_count": 1 } ] }
Request Viewed
Example JSON payload:
"event_name": "request_viewed",
"id": "evt_rkpgAXuZ8PQnL1",
"request_id": "req_v564J7H9xd1lpP",
"account_id": "acc_3Z02jLuqYAN0eX",
"event_type": "actions",
"parameters": {
"name": "New Request"
"client": {
"id": "acc_3Z02jLuqYAN0eX",
"full_name": "Example Client",
"email": "[email protected]",
"timezone": "Asia/Manila",
"avatar": null,
"company_name": "",
"date_format": "MM/dd/yyyy",
"language_code": "en",
"client_company": null
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"due": "2024-05-03",
"folder_name": "Archived",
"passcode_enabled": false,
"share_link": "",
"share_via_link_enabled": true,
"communications_template_name": "None",
"completion_percentage": 0,
"comments_enabled": true,
"request_template_name": null,
"owner_name": "Example Owner",
"author_name": "Example Author",
"client_status": null,
"due_date": "2024-05-03",
"pin_code_enabled": false
Request Create Failed
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "request_create_failed", "id": null, "name": "Example Request", "status": "draft", "due_date": "2020-10-20", "folder_name": "Default Folder", "url": "", "pin_code_enabled": true, "pin_code": "1234", "request_template_name": "Example Template", "communications_template_name": "Default", "completion_percentage": 0, "share_link": "", "share_via_link_enabled": true, "owner_name": "Example Owner", "author_name": "Example Author", "client_status": null, "client": { "id": 0, "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "" }, "clients": [ { "id": 0, "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "" } ], "errors": [ "First error message example", "Second error message example" ] }
Request Update Failed
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "request_update_failed", "id": 0, "name": "Example Request", "status": "draft", "due_date": "2020-10-20", "folder_name": "Default Folder", "url": "", "pin_code_enabled": true, "pin_code": "1234", "request_template_name": "Example Template", "communications_template_name": "Default", "completion_percentage": 0, "share_link": "", "share_via_link_enabled": true, "owner_name": "Example Owner", "author_name": "Example Author", "client_status": null, "client": { "id": 0, "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "" }, "clients": [ { "id": 0, "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "" } ], "errors": [ "First error message example", "Second error message example" ] }
Request Delete Failed
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "request_destroy_failed", "id": 0, "name": "Example Request", "status": "draft", "due_date": "2020-10-20", "folder_name": "Default Folder", "url": "", "pin_code_enabled": true, "pin_code": "1234", "request_template_name": "Example Template", "communications_template_name": "Default", "completion_percentage": 0, "share_link": "", "share_via_link_enabled": true, "owner_name": "Example Owner", "author_name": "Example Author", "client_status": null, "client": { "id": 0, "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "" }, "clients": [ { "id": 0, "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "" } ], "errors": [ "First error message example", "Second error message example" ] }
Kanban Column Updated
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "request_board_column_changed", "id": 0, "name": "Example Request", "status": "draft", "due_date": "2020-10-20", "folder_name": "Default Folder", "url": "", "pin_code_enabled": true, "pin_code": "1234", "request_template_name": "Example Template", "communications_template_name": "Default", "completion_percentage": 0, "share_link": "", "share_via_link_enabled": true, "owner_name": "Example Owner", "author_name": "Example Author", "client_status": null, "client": { "id": 0, "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "" }, "clients": [ { "id": 0, "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "" } ], "board_column_attrs": { "id": 0, "name": "Kanban Column Name", "sorting_position": 0 } }
Field Webhooks
All Fields Completed
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "all_fields_completed", "request": { "id": "0", "name": "Example Request", "status": "published", "due_date": "2020-10-20", "folder_name": "Default Folder" "url": "", "pin_code_enabled": "true", "pin_code": "1234", "request_template_name": "Example Template", "communications_template_name": "Default", "completion_percentage": "0", "share_link": "", "owner_name": "Example Owner", "author_name": "Example Author", "client": { "id": "0", "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "", } } }
Field Completed
Example JSON payload:
{ "id": "0", "event_name": "field_completed", "section_id": "0", "section_name": "Example section name", "page_id": "0", "page_name": "Example page name", "name": "Example completed field name", "instruction_text": "Example completed field instructions", "status: "done", "type: "text", "values: ["Example completed field answer"], "values_flat: "Example approved field answer", "request: { "id: 0, "name: "Example Request", "status: "published", "due_date: "2020-10-20", "folder_name: "Default Folder", "url: "", "pin_code_enabled": "true", "pin_code": "1234", "request_template_name": "Example Template", "communications_template_name": "Default", "completion_percentage": "0", "share_link": "", "owner_name": "Example Owner", "author_name": "Example Author", "client": { "id: "0", "company_name: "Example Company", "email: "[email protected]", "full_name: 'Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "", } } }
Field Approved
Example JSON payload:
{ "id": "0", "event_name": "field_approved", "section_id": "0", "section_name": "Example section name", "page_id": "0", "page_name: "Example page name", "name": 'Example approved field name', "instruction_text": "Example approved field instructions", "status": "approved", "type": "text", "values": ["Example approved field answer"], "values_flat": "Example approved field answer", "request": { "id": 0, "name": "Example Request", "status": "published", "due_date": "2020-10-20", "folder_name": "Default Folder", "url: "", "pin_code_enabled": "true", "pin_code": "1234", "request_template_name": "Example Template", "communications_template_name": "Default", "completion_percentage": "0", "share_link": "", "owner_name": "Example Owner", "author_name": "Example Author", "client": { "id": "0", "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "", } } }
Field Rejected
Example JSON payload:
{ "id": "0", "event_name": "field_rejected", "section_id": "0", "section_name": "Example section name", "page_id": "0", "page_name: "Example page name", "name": 'Example approved field name', "instruction_text": "Example approved field instructions", "status": "approved", "type": "text", "values": ["Example approved field answer"], "values_flat": "Example approved field answer", "request": { "id": 0, "name": "Example Request", "status": "published", "due_date": "2020-10-20", "folder_name": "Default Folder", "url: "", "pin_code_enabled": "true", "pin_code": "1234", "request_template_name": "Example Template", "communications_template_name": "Default", "completion_percentage": "0", "share_link": "", "owner_name": "Example Owner", "author_name": "Example Author", "client": { "id": "0", "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "", } } }
Comment Create Failed
Example JSON payload:
"event_name": "comment_created",
"id": null,
"answer_id": "ans_RQ1zp49c7Xz4km",
"field_id": "fld_1lqbwY6TaMPmAo",
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"unread": false,
"reference_meta": {},
"account": {
"id": "acc_e7EVAXvJfxZ9zb",
"full_name": "Example Client",
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"primary": true,
"avatar": "",
"company_name": "New company",
"date_format": "MM/dd/yyyy",
"language_code": "en",
"client_company": {
"id": "cmp_z105QJxhy7YdlX",
"name": "New company",
"avatar_url": ""
"errors": [
"First error message example",
"Second error message example"
Comment Added
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "comment_created", "id": 0, "answer_id": 0, "field_id": 0, "section_id": 0, "tab_id": 0, "request_id": 0, "text": "<div>Comment Sample</div>", "type": "user", "unread": false, "reference_meta": {}, "account": { "id": 0, "full_name": "Example Client", "email": "[email protected]", "timezone": "Australia/Brisbane", "primary": true, "avatar": "", "company_name": "New company", "date_format": "MM/dd/yyyy", "language_code": "en", "client_company": { "id": 0, "name": "New company", "avatar_url": "", "external_source": null } } }
Client Webhooks
Client Created
Example JSON payload:
{ "id": "0", "event_name": "client_created", "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "", }
Client Updated
Example JSON payload:
{ "id": "0", "event_name": "client_updated", "company_name": "Example Company", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example Client", "phone": "123-456-7890", "avatar": "", }
Client Deleted
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "client_destroyed", "id": 0 }
Client Create Failed
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "client_create_failed", "id": null, "date_format": "MM/dd/yyyy", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Sample Client", "language_code": "en", "phone": "987-654-3210", "timezone": "Australia/Brisbane", "avatar": "", "archived": false, "is_assigned": false, "client_companies": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Example Client", "avatar_url": "", "external_source": null } ], "errors": [ "First error message example", "Second error message example" ] }
Client Update Failed
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "client_update_failed", "id": 0, "date_format": "MM/dd/yyyy", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Sample Client", "language_code": "en", "phone": "987-654-3210", "timezone": "Australia/Brisbane", "avatar": "", "archived": false, "is_assigned": false, "client_companies": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Example Client", "avatar_url": "", "external_source": null } ], "errors": [ "First error message example", "Second error message example" ] }
Client Delete Failed
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "client_destroy_failed", "id": 0, "date_format": "MM/dd/yyyy", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Sample Client", "language_code": "en", "phone": "987-654-3210", "timezone": "Australia/Brisbane", "avatar": "", "archived": false, "is_assigned": false, "client_companies": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Example Client", "avatar_url": "", "external_source": null } ], "errors": [ "First error message example", "Second error message example" ] }
Team Member Webhooks
Team Member Created
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "team_member_created", "id": 218365, "date_format": "dd/MM/yyyy", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Sample Client", "language_code": "en", "phone": null, "timezone": "Europe/Budapest", "avatar": "" }
Team Member Updated
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "team_member_updated", "id": 218365, "date_format": "dd/MM/yyyy", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Sample Client", "language_code": "en", "phone": null, "timezone": "Europe/Budapest", "avatar": "" }
Team Member Deleted
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "team_member_destroyed", "id": 0 }
Team Member Create Failed
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "team_member_create_failed", "id": null, "date_format": "MM/dd/yyyy", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Sample Client", "language_code": "en", "phone": "987-654-3210", "timezone": "Australia/Brisbane", "avatar": "", "errors": [
Team Member Update Failed
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "team_member_update_failed", "id": 0, "date_format": "MM/dd/yyyy", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Sample Client", "language_code": "en", "phone": "987-654-3210", "timezone": "Australia/Brisbane", "avatar": "", "errors": [ "First error message example", "Second error message example" ] }
Team Member Delete Failed
Example JSON payload:
{ "event_name": "team_member_destroy_failed", "id": 0, "date_format": "MM/dd/yyyy", "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Sample Client", "language_code": "en", "phone": "987-654-3210", "timezone": "Australia/Brisbane", "avatar": "", "errors": [ "First error message example", "Second error message example" ] }
SMS Message Delivered
Example JSON payload:
"event_name": "sms_delivered",
"id": "evt_J5z6w2Vc20p8MA",
"request_id": "req_AkZDXXKHY6DYrX",
"account_id": "acc_ayGZxmdUy2RDpP",
"event_type": "actions",
"parameters": {
"from": "+10000000000",
"phone": "+10000000000",
"status": "sms_delivered",
"subject": "Test Message",
"template_name": "SMS Test Template"
"request": {
"id": "req_1k7zv4aUlpN8PB",
"name": "Example Request",
"status": "draft",
"due": "2020-10-20",
"folder_name": "Default Folder",
"url": "",
"passcode_enabled": true,
"request_template_name": "Example Template",
"communications_template_name": "Default",
"completion_percentage": 0,
"share_link": "",
"share_via_link_enabled": true,
"owner_name": "Example Owner",
"author_name": "Example Author"
"client": {
"id": "acc_e7EVAXvJfxZ9zb",
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"full_name": "Sample Client",
"language_code": "en",
"phone": "987-654-3210",
"timezone": "Australia/Brisbane",
"avatar": ""
SMS Message Failed
Example JSON payload:
"event_name": "sms_failed",
"id": "evt_kGJLLVU39RNJ58",
"request_id": "req_EazYy1Uj4n9zqG",
"account_id": "acc_3Z02jLuqYAN0eX",
"event_type": "critical",
"parameters": {
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"email": "+61123456789",
"status": "sms_failed",
"subject": "Test",
"error_messages": [
"Permission to send an SMS has not been enabled for the region indicated by the 'To' number: +6112345XXXX"
"client": {
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"email": "[email protected]",
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"avatar": null,
"company_name": "",
"date_format": "MM/dd/yyyy",
"language_code": "en",
"client_company": null
"request": {
"id": "req_EazYy1Uj4n9zqG",
"name": "Example Request",
"url": "",
"status": "published",
"due": "2024-04-29",
"folder_name": "Default Folder",
"passcode_enabled": false,
"share_link": "",
"share_via_link_enabled": true,
"communications_template_name": "Default",
"completion_percentage": 0,
"comments_enabled": true,
"request_template_name": "Example Template",
"owner_name": "Example Owner",
"author_name": "Example Author",
"client_status": null,
"due_date": "2024-04-29",
"pin_code_enabled": false
Email Message Delivered
Example JSON payload:
"event_name": "email_delivered",
"id": "evt_oenkkeur60WnWV",
"request_id": "req_EwzeeKIpx22zjP",
"account_id": "acc_3Z02jLuqYAN0eX",
"event_type": "actions",
"parameters": {
"from": "example <[email protected]>",
"email": "[email protected]",
"status": "email_delivered",
"subject": "Information required for New Request"
"client": {
"id": "acc_3Z02jLuqYAN0eX",
"full_name": "Example Client",
"email": "[email protected]",
"timezone": "Asia/Manila",
"avatar": null,
"company_name": "",
"date_format": "MM/dd/yyyy",
"language_code": "en",
"client_company": null
"request": {
"id": "req_EwzeeKIpx22zjP",
"name": "New Request",
"url": "",
"status": "published",
"due": "2024-04-23",
"folder_name": "Archived",
"passcode_enabled": false,
"share_link": "",
"share_via_link_enabled": true,
"communications_template_name": "None",
"completion_percentage": 0,
"comments_enabled": true,
"request_template_name": null,
"owner_name": "Example Owner",
"author_name": "Example Author",
"client_status": null,
"due_date": "2024-04-23",
"pin_code_enabled": false
Email Message Bounced
Example JSON payload:
"event_name": "email_bounced",
"id": "evt_WbnGRgC0WbKJEV",
"request_id": "req_EwzeeKIpx22zjP",
"account_id": "acc_rLgpzeHGEOmabK",
"event_type": "critical",
"parameters": {
"from": "example <[email protected]>",
"name": "Hard bounce",
"email": "[email protected]",
"status": "email_bounced",
"subject": "test",
"error_messages": [
"The server was unable to deliver your message (ex: unknown user, mailbox not found)."
"client": {
"id": "acc_rLgpzeHGEOmabK",
"full_name": "Test Client",
"email": "[email protected]",
"timezone": "Asia/Manila",
"avatar": null,
"company_name": "",
"date_format": "MM/dd/yyyy",
"language_code": "en",
"client_company": null
"request": {
"id": "req_EwzeeKIpx22zjP",
"name": "New Request",
"url": "",
"status": "published",
"due": "2024-04-23",
"folder_name": "Archived",
"passcode_enabled": false,
"share_link": "",
"share_via_link_enabled": true,
"communications_template_name": "None",
"completion_percentage": 0,
"comments_enabled": true,
"request_template_name": null,
"owner_name": "Example Owner",
"author_name": "Example Author",
"client_status": null,
"due_date": "2024-04-23",
"pin_code_enabled": false
Email Message Spammed
Example JSON payload:
"event_name": "email_spam_complained",
"id": "evt_kdW6DV1cYMGOmp",
"request_id": "req_AkZDXXKHY6DYrX",
"account_id": "acc_ayGZxmdUy2RDpP",
"event_type": "warning",
"parameters": {
"from": "[email protected]",
"email": "[email protected]",
"status": "email_spam_complained",
"subject": "Test Subject",
"error_messages": [
"The subscriber explicitly marked this message as spam."
"request": {
"id": "req_1k7zv4aUlpN8PB",
"name": "Example Request",
"status": "draft",
"due": "2020-10-20",
"folder_name": "Default Folder",
"url": "",
"passcode_enabled": true,
"request_template_name": "Example Template",
"communications_template_name": "Default",
"completion_percentage": 0,
"share_link": "",
"share_via_link_enabled": true,
"owner_name": "Example Owner",
"author_name": "Example Author"
"client": {
"id": "acc_e7EVAXvJfxZ9zb",
"date_format": "MM/dd/yyyy",
"email": "[email protected]",
"full_name": "Sample Client",
"language_code": "en",
"phone": "987-654-3210",
"timezone": "Australia/Brisbane",
"avatar": ""
Field Types
In the above webhooks where a field is involved, there is a “type” parameter included. These are the possible values for field “type”:
- text – text field that accepts a single line of unformatted text.
- textarea – text field that accepts multiple lines of unformatted text.
- wysiwyg – text field that accepts multiple lines of formatted text.
- email – text field that accepts a properly formatted email address.
- url – text field that accepts a properly formatted url.
- number – number field that accepts any positive or negative real or integer number.
- phone – number field that accepts a properly formatted phone number.
- date/time – number field that accepts a properly formatted date.
- image – file field that accepts an image file.
- file – file field that accepts any file type.
- checkbox – option field that shows each option as a checkbox and allows selection of multiple options.
- radio – option field that shows each option as a radio button and allows selection of a single option.
- select – option field that shows each option as a dropdown and allows selection of a single option.
- image select – option field that shows a list of images and allows selection of one image.
- color picker – custom field that allows a color to be selected.