Get everything you need from clients faster, with less email

Collect and organize all sorts of documents. Automatically follow up on requests.
All without sacrificing your workday to endless email.

The best part? Clients love it too.
300+ Happy Customers
No strings or credit card required.
Every month, Content Snare helps companies 
painlessly collect over 100,000+ pieces of information
from website copy, logos, and photos to financial paperwork, tax documents, legal filings, and much more
Used (and loved) by 1,100 companies in 63 countries, including:
Content collection shouldn’t be your entire job

Tired of chasing down documents and other info?

You NEED clients and colleagues to send you information so you can do your work. But as soon as a project starts, getting that information becomes your work.

We’re talking about email threads longer than Moby Dick. One question answered (hurrah!) with another one overlooked (how did they miss that??). Sighing and sending yet another “Just checking in…” email.
👆If this all sounds like your idea of a good time, you might be a masochist.
Before you know it, it’s 5PM and you haven’t actually done anything. (Not to mention your timelines are completely ruined. Which means your invoices will go unpaid.)

Instead of letting missing content destroy your productivity, let Content Snare collect the information you need so you can get some actual work done.
Give Me My Time Back
Nicole Meloni
Connected Accounting
“With email people would reply to one thing and forget everything else that we needed. There was a lot of back and forth. I thought this could be the solution to all our problems. And so far it definitely has been. It's immeasurable, the amount of time and money we've saved."
Transform the way you gather information

Like a snake charmer, you can make information come to you

Vander Guerrero
"We are saving time and money with Content Snare, but it’s more than that. It alleviates the heat, miscommunication and frustration of trying to get the information we need from clients."
Content Snare turns the tangled mess of content collection into a smooth process that’s easy and painless for both you AND your clients.

Plan, request, and approve content and documents in one place.

Collection is simple, accurate, and fast — no matter how many stakeholders send stuff.
Give your clients (or team) mistake-proof instructions and requirements. 

Then sit back, watch the content roll in, and enjoy your freedom from the chase.
Peace of Mind Is Right This Way

Transform the way you collect content and documents

Watch the 2-minute video to see Content Snare in action

So unbelievably easy, even a potato could use it

Not that we’re calling your clients or colleagues potatoes, but…
There are plenty of other “info-gathering” tools out there. Unlike other platforms, Content Snare makes the content collection process easy not just for you — but for your clients, too.

Friction-free focus

Our simple, intuitive interface keeps users focused on one task at a time. You can even build in safeguards and instructions to help them deliver the right stuff.

One place for everything

No more searching Dropbox, Drive, and your inbox every time you need to find a file.


Even the least tech-savvy users can successfully complete a Content Snare request. See how easy it is and send yourself a request, just like your client would see!
See how easy that was?

How Content Snare makes your life easier

Well, your work life, at least

BUILD a confusion-free content collection checklist.

Request the info you need. Clearly define who’s responsible for what. And lay out easy-to-follow instructions so everyone’s in sync. You can even set limits on what’s required, so you only get back what you need.

SHARE a mistake-proof content collection plan with clients/ colleagues.

Share your content needs with a couple of clicks. Specify due dates and set a follow-up schedule to meet deadlines. With a clear checklist and instructions, clients know exactly what's needed and where to put it.

REMIND clients of missing items without nagging.

Deadline fast approaching with content still missing? Content Snare sends out pre-populated, automated reminders (which you can customize) to do the polite nudging for you. That way, you don't have to be the “bad guy” — and you still get what you need.

APPROVE work as it comes in so you can quickly action changes.

Get notified when content is ready for approval. Everything just right? Check it off and download all the content instantly. Received the wrong documents or need changes? Let everyone know by adding comments and “rejecting” only the fields that need changes.

DOWNLOAD all your content into one neat package

When everything is complete, download all of your clients’ answers and files in one neat package. Automatically push completed requests to Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive & more.

REUSE sections, pages, or entire requests by saving them as templates.

Do you ask every client the same questions? Create templates to save yourself even more time. Then anyone on your team can create and send requests in a matter of seconds.

COMMUNICATE without losing context.

Answer client questions and discuss requirements right inside your content checklists. Clarify what you need without starting yet another email thread.

This goes way beyond just collecting documents & data

Content Snare gives you back your time and focus for your actual work.
You know, the stuff you actually want to be doing (that pays the bills).

With Content Snare, you can… 

Become more productive

with a powerfully efficient workflow built on streamlined content and document collection, reminders and feedback.

Increase profitability

by finishing more projects, reducing costs, and avoiding going over
time and budget.

Grow your business

by freeing up your time to find new clients, follow up with leads, and focus on marketing.

Keep projects on track

and avoid bottlenecks and delays caused by confused clients or unclear responsibilities.

Impress clients

with a more professional content creation or document collection experience.

Get paid on time

by speeding up content creation, feedback, and approvals.

6 reasons both you AND your clients will love Content Snare

We rolled it out to our clients and they found it really easy to use. They actually found it simpler than Google Docs & Google Sheets!
Jenny Bowler

Ready-made templates

Content Snare comes preloaded with templates for almost every scenario. Use them right out of the box, or customize them to save time and create your foolproof process.

Automated reminders

Stop having to be the bad guy. Instead of “just circling back,” let Content Snare nudge your clients for overdue items. We’re happy to take one for the team.

Item-level rejection

Instead of rejecting the whole document, you can reject individual items (and add clarifying comments right where they need to be) when folks send the wrong info.


Avoid lost content and give clients the
relief of not having to complete everything in one go.

Custom branding

Make your content collection process look more professional with custom branding options, including adding your own logo.

Simple drag&drop interface

Anyone can use our intuitive visual interface and drag-and-drop controls. And we mean anyone.

Loved by accountants, agencies, attorneys and other professions that don’t start with the letter “A”

"We are saving time and money with Content Snare, but it’s more than that. It alleviates the heat, miscommunication and frustration of trying to get the information we need from clients."
Vander Guerrero,
"My client is now totally enthusiastic about giving me the content! It takes some preparation on my part to set up the initial structure, but the results are fantastic in terms of collecting that content!"
Imogen Allen,
Umbrella Digital
"We didn't have a central platform for exchanging files with our clients. Not everybody is savvy enough to use Dropbox, and some clients would flood our inbox with 20 emails in a day."
Lauren Lopez
Web of Arc
"The best part is the support. The other day I had an issue, and they jumped at the opportunity to help me. It didn't take long for the team to uncover the issue and get me back to work."
Chris Penny
Lawn Authorities
“We rolled it out to our clients and they found it really easy to use. They actually found it simpler than Google Docs & Google Sheets!”
Jenny Bowler
“With email people would reply to one thing and forget everything else that we needed. There was a lot of back and forth."
Nicole Meloni, Connected Accounting
"This is exactly what this industry has needed. Getting content in the right way makes the difference between success vs a whole load of heartache!"
Dave Foy,
Design Build Web
See More Feedback

You've got enough on your plate already

With goals to hit and a business to run, chasing down content is the unpaid job you’re sick of doing.

Content Snare frees up your time, energy, and headspace so you can focus on doing your actual work, growing your business, or just enjoying more time back in your day.
Start My Free Trial
Setup is easy, and our friendly team is happy to help.