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036 - Building a brand for your agency with Ryker Taylor

Agency Highway
Agency Highway
036 - Building a brand for your agency with Ryker Taylor

Building a brand takes time, energy and dedication… but it helps you attract clients and more importantly… the RIGHT clients.

Ryker Taylor and I talk about:

  • The importance of your brand
  • How he has branded his agency
  • A framework that you can follow to create your own


  • Clarity - Finding a path and seeing the goal.
  • Unity - Getting the team on the same page and unifying everything around the goal.
  • Execution - We see it, we understand it, we agree on it, now we act upon it.

The 12 Brand Archetypes

There are twelve archetypes a brand can fall under. We can go over each one and how to determine which one a business is.

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Born and raised in Lubbock, Texas; Ryker dabbled in real estate, drafting, and campaign management. In 2016, he founded WunderTRE, a digital marketing agency meant to empower business owners to better their business online. He believes that good branding can overcome many problems that businesses face, and that being intentional is the only way to grow. As the CEO, he now leads a growing team, works with clients across all different industries, and occasionally can be found putting together ad campaigns or slinging code for their newest website project. When not working, Ryker loves listening to audio books, playing video games, and hanging out with his wife.
