139 - Planning websites the right way with Jo Minney

Agency Highway
Agency Highway
139 - Planning websites the right way with Jo Minney

This episode was going to be called “WTF is Information Architecture,” but that would have probably made you tune out. I asked my friend Jo Minney to come on the show to answer exactly that question. She has an amazing process for planning websites that I found extremely interesting. It’s a professional way to plan that gets your client involved, so you get more buy-in. 

It’s a long one, but a good one for anyone involved in building websites, especially if you build websites for larger organizations. 

Resources mentioned in the episode

Connect with Jo

About Jo

Jo Minney is a small business founder and web developer based (for now) in Perth, Western Australia. She is passionate about UX, data-driven decision making, cats and travel – not necessarily in that order. She's also an avid maker, from 3D printing to sewing to woodworking, and loves combining technology and creativity to make cool stuff.

In her non-existent free time, Jo consults with the federally funded Digital Solutions program providing accessible advice and training to Aussie small business owners. She is also an ambassador for She Codes Australia, a not for profit organisation aiming at making tech jobs more accessible for women. Jo is also an international conference speaker, and sits on the judging panel for the 2021 Women in Tech WA Awards.

She is easily recognisable by her bright purple hair and dorky glasses. You can find her on Facebook in the Perth WordPress Community group or Women who WordPress group (both of which she manages), or at the Perth WordPress meetup.
