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Disability support services questionnaire

disability support services questionnaire

Hey there!

If you're running a non-profit organization looking for disability support services, this is just for you. From charities to social advocacy groups, if your mission involves aiding those with disabilities, our Disability support services questionnaire can streamline your process. It's designed to capture all the necessary details, helping us to serve you better. So, why wait? Let's get started!

Tired of chasing people to fill out your forms? Try Content Snare

Content Snare is like a forms tool on steroids. Autosaving forms mean no progress is lost. Automatic reminders mean you can relax knowing your forms will get finished without you having to chase people down. 

Questions to include on your Disability support services questionnaire

1. Organizational Details

This section aims to gather basic information about the non-profit organization reaching out for disability support services.

  • What is the name of your organization?
  • Please provide your organization's website URL, if applicable.
  • Briefly describe the mission of your organization.

The mission statement question is important because it will give a clear understanding of the organization's objectives and whether they align with the disability support services available.

2. Contact Information

This part is to ensure that we have the correct contact details for further communication.

  • What is your name?
  • What is your position within the organization?
  • What is your email address?
  • What is your contact number?

3. Service Requirements

This section helps to understand the specific disability support services the non-profit organization is seeking.

  • What type of disability support services are you seeking? (Assistive Technology, Job Skills Training, Personal Assistance Services, Therapy Services)
  • Do you require ongoing support or is this a one-time need? (Ongoing Support, One-Time Need)
  • Please describe in detail the service requirements.

The detailed services requirements question is crucial as it will provide a comprehensive overview of the exact needs, allowing for a better service provision.

4. Beneficiary Information

This part collects information about the individuals who will benefit from the disability support services.

  • How many individuals require these services?
  • What is the age range of these individuals?
  • What types of disabilities do these individuals have? (Physical, Intellectual, Sensory, Mental Health)

Questions relating to the number of individuals and their specific disabilities are vital for providing appropriate support services and planning resource allocation.

5. Budget & Funding

This section is included to understand the organization's financial capacity for supporting these services.

  • Do you have a specific budget for these disability support services? (Yes, No)
  • If yes, please specify your budget range.
  • How is your organization funded? (Private Donations, Government Grants, Fundraising Events, Other)

Specific budget information and funding sources questions are key to evaluating the feasibility of providing the requested services within the organization's financial means.

Things to consider

  1. Avoid Jargon - Use simple and clear language to ensure the person filling out the form can understand each question without any difficulty. Avoid industry-specific terms or acronyms that might confuse respondents.
  2. Validate Input Data - Make use of HTML5 field types to validate user input data. For example, use 'email' type for email addresses to ensure they are entered correctly.
  3. Keep It Short - Lengthy forms can be daunting and lead to drop-offs. Try to keep the form as concise as possible while still gathering the necessary information.
  4. Group Related Questions - Organize your form by grouping related questions together. This can make the form easier to navigate and less overwhelming for the user.
  5. Explain Why Information Is Needed - If you're asking for sensitive information, such as budget details, it can be helpful to explain why this information is necessary. This can improve the response rate for these types of questions.
  6. Use Conditional Logic - Conditional logic shows or hides questions based on previous answers. This can make the form appear shorter and more personalized.
  7. Mobile Friendliness - Ensure your form is easy to fill out on mobile devices, as many users may prefer to complete it on their smartphone or tablet.

How to create your Disability support services questionnaire

Now that you know what questions you should include, it's time to build your form!

The only problem is that traditional forms tools are inefficient.

People will forget to fill out your form. They'll get stuck halfway and not be able to finish it. Or they'll send you the wrong stuff. You end up wasting hours chasing people down over email. 

That's why you should give Content Snare a try. 

Content Snare is packed with advanced features that will have you hours:

  • Automatic reminders - Remind people to complete their form with fully customizable reminders.
  • Reject incorrect information - If a single question is filled out incorrectly, ask your client to re-do just that one item.
  • Autosaving - No progress gets lost. People can fill out forms in multiple sittings.
  • Comments and questions - If the person filling the form gets stuck, they can ask a question without having to email you.

Give it a go by signing up for your free 14-day trial

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