Template Ideas

Employee health and safety questionnaire

employee health and safety questionnaire

Looking to prioritize health and safety at your workplace? The Employee Health and Safety Questionnaire is the tool for you.

Ideal for businesses across industries, especially those in sectors like construction, manufacturing, or logistics where physical safety is paramount. It's also beneficial for organizations aiming to boost mental health awareness.

Use this form to gather crucial health and safety-related information from your employees. It's a great first step towards ensuring a safer, healthier work environment.

Tired of chasing people to fill out your forms? Try Content Snare

Content Snare is like a forms tool on steroids. Autosaving forms mean no progress is lost. Automatic reminders mean you can relax knowing your forms will get finished without you having to chase people down. 

Questions to include on your Employee health and safety questionnaire

1. Personal Information

This section collects basic personal information to help identify the employee.

  • What is your full name?
  • What is your date of birth?
  • What is your gender? (Male, Female, Prefer not to say)
  • What is your employment ID?

2. Health Status

This section aims to understand the employee's general health status and potential health risks.

  • Do you have any pre-existing medical conditions? (Yes, No)
  • If yes, please specify.
  • Have you had any surgery in the past 2 years? (Yes, No)
  • If yes, please provide details.
  • Do you take regular medication for any condition? (Yes, No)
  • If yes, please provide details.
  • In the past month, have you taken any sick leave? (Yes, No)

The question about pre-existing medical conditions is crucial because it helps understand any potential health risks that could affect the safety of the employee and others.

3. Workplace Safety

This section gathers information about safety practices and incidents in the workplace.

  • Have you ever received safety training? (Yes, No)
  • If yes, please provide the details of the training.
  • Have you ever been involved in a workplace incident? (Yes, No)
  • If yes, please provide details of the incident.
  • Do you feel safe at your workplace? (Always, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)
  • Please provide any suggestions to improve safety at the workplace.

The question about feeling safe at the workplace is important because it provides insight into the effectiveness of the existing safety measures and can help identify areas for improvement.

4. Mental Health

This section explores the employee's mental health, which can indirectly affect their safety at work.

  • How often do you feel stressed at work? (Always, Often, Rarely, Never)
  • Do you feel you have someone at work to talk to about work-related stress? (Yes, No)
  • Have you ever sought professional help for work-related stress or anxiety? (Yes, No)

The question about seeking professional help for stress or anxiety is important because it could indicate high levels of stress that may need to be addressed to improve overall workplace safety.

Things to consider

  1. Clarity and Simplicity - Ensure your questions are clear and straightforward to prevent any confusion. Avoid using technical jargon, unless necessary.
  2. Privacy and Security - Remember that you'll be handling sensitive data. Make sure the form is secure and clarify how the data will be stored, used, and protected.
  3. User-Friendly Design - Use a clean layout and logical flow in your form design. It makes it easier for the person completing the form and improves the overall user experience.
  4. Use of Appropriate Fields - Select the appropriate HTML5 field type for each question to guide the respondent and simplify data collection.
  5. Mandatory and Optional Fields - Clearly mark which fields are mandatory and which are optional. This helps to make the form filling process smoother and ensures you collect all essential data.
  6. Providing a Progress Indicator - If your form is long, consider adding a progress indicator. This can help users know how much of the form they've completed, which can improve completion rates.
  7. Testing - Before you launch, test the form thoroughly to ensure all questions and features work as expected. This can help to identify and fix any issues before it is used by employees.

How to create your Employee health and safety questionnaire

Now that you know what questions you should include, it's time to build your form!

The only problem is that traditional forms tools are inefficient.

People will forget to fill out your form. They'll get stuck halfway and not be able to finish it. Or they'll send you the wrong stuff. You end up wasting hours chasing people down over email. 

That's why you should give Content Snare a try. 

Content Snare is packed with advanced features that will have you hours:

  • Automatic reminders - Remind people to complete their form with fully customizable reminders.
  • Reject incorrect information - If a single question is filled out incorrectly, ask your client to re-do just that one item.
  • Autosaving - No progress gets lost. People can fill out forms in multiple sittings.
  • Comments and questions - If the person filling the form gets stuck, they can ask a question without having to email you.

Give it a go by signing up for your free 14-day trial. 

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