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Extracurricular activities survey

extracurricular activities survey

If you're running a school or college, this Extracurricular activities survey is for you! It's also perfect for educational consultants and researchers.

The survey is designed to gather valuable insights on existing extracurricular activities, recognize the need for new ones, and understand resource allocation. Equipped with this information, you can plan and implement engaging activities that foster student development. Let's dive in!

Tired of chasing people to fill out your forms? Try Content Snare

Content Snare is like a forms tool on steroids. Autosaving forms mean no progress is lost. Automatic reminders mean you can relax knowing your forms will get finished without you having to chase people down. 

Questions to include on your Extracurricular activities survey

1. Basic Information

This section will gather general information about the individual or institution completing the form.

  • What is your name?
  • What is your role? (Principal, Teacher, Student)
  • What is the name of your school/college?
  • Please provide your contact information (email and phone number).

2. Extracurricular Activities

This section focuses on the extracurricular activities currently offered by the school or college.

  • What extracurricular activities does your school/college currently offer?
  • How many students participate in these activities?
  • How are these activities managed? (Faculty, Student Council, External Organizations)

The question about the management of activities helps to understand the level of involvement of students and faculty in these activities.

3. Requirement and Interest

This section is meant to gauge the interest and requirement of additional extracurricular activities.

  • Are there any additional extracurricular activities your institution is interested in offering?
  • Why is your institution interested in offering these additional activities?
  • What is the level of student interest in these additional activities? (High, Medium, Low)

The question about the level of student interest helps in determining the potential success of these proposed activities.

4. Resource Allocation

This section is meant to understand the resources allocated for extracurricular activities.

  • What is the annual budget allocated for extracurricular activities?
  • What facilities does your institution have to accommodate new extracurricular activities?
  • Is there a need for additional resources to support new activities? (Yes, No)

Asking about the resources helps in understanding the feasibility of implementing new activities based on the available resources.

Other question ideas

When you are creating your Extracurricular activities survey, here are some additional questions you may want to consider. These won't apply in every case, but should give you some ideas as you build out your form.
  • How do you evaluate the success of your extracurricular programs?

    • This question can provide insights into the metrics and standards the school/college uses to determine the success of their programs. This may reveal a focus on student engagement, skill development, or community impact.
  • How often are extracurricular activities held in your institution? (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)

    • This can give an idea about the frequency of extracurricular activities, which can help understand their significance and role in the institution's overall culture.
  • Does your institution provide any incentives or recognition for participation in extracurricular activities? (Yes, No) If yes, please specify.

    • This can uncover whether there are any motivational strategies in place to encourage student participation in these activities, which could impact student interest and commitment.
  • How does your institution promote extracurricular activities to students?

    • This can show the methods and channels of communication used by the institution to promote their activities. This could include newsletters, assemblies, or social media, and may indicate modernity or the potential for student outreach.
  • Do you believe there is a correlation between participation in extracurricular activities and student achievement? (Yes, No, Unsure)

    • This can help understand the institution's view on the role of extracurriculars in enhancing student achievement. This could reflect their dedication towards promoting balanced student development.
  • Have you collaborated with any external organizations for your extracurricular activities? If yes, please provide details.

    • This can showcase the institution's willingness to partner with external organizations for providing diverse and quality extracurricular options, and their connectivity with the local community or industry.
  • Are there any challenges your institution faces in implementing and maintaining extracurricular activities?

    • This can shed light on the potential hurdles in the process of implementing new activities and maintaining the existing ones. Understanding these challenges could help in providing solutions and strategies to overcome them.

Things to consider

  1. User Friendliness - Make sure the form is easy to understand and navigate. Use simple language and clear instructions to avoid any confusion.
  2. Form Length - Keep the form concise. Long forms can be daunting and may discourage completion. Ask only necessary questions and consider using conditional logic to hide irrelevant sections.
  3. Privacy Considerations - Be mindful of privacy regulations when asking for personal information. Make sure to include a privacy policy or consent checkbox.
  4. Error Handling - Ensure form fields have proper validation to prevent the submission of incorrect or incomplete data. Provide clear error messages to help users correct their inputs.
  5. Mobile-Device Friendly - Since many users will fill out the form on their mobile devices, ensure the form layout is responsive and mobile-friendly.
  6. Accessible Design - Ensure your form is accessible to people with disabilities. This includes proper labeling and use of color, among other considerations.
  7. Feedback and Confirmation - Upon submission, provide a message or email confirmation to let users know their responses have been received. This reassures the user and improves the overall user experience.

How to create your Extracurricular activities survey

Now that you know what questions you should include, it's time to build your form!

The only problem is that traditional forms tools are inefficient.

People will forget to fill out your form. They'll get stuck halfway and not be able to finish it. Or they'll send you the wrong stuff. You end up wasting hours chasing people down over email. 

That's why you should give Content Snare a try. 

Content Snare is packed with advanced features that will have you hours:

  • Automatic reminders - Remind people to complete their form with fully customizable reminders.
  • Reject incorrect information - If a single question is filled out incorrectly, ask your client to re-do just that one item.
  • Autosaving - No progress gets lost. People can fill out forms in multiple sittings.
  • Comments and questions - If the person filling the form gets stuck, they can ask a question without having to email you.

Give it a go by signing up for your free 14-day trial. 

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