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Leadership assessment questionnaire

leadership assessment questionnaire

Ready to assess leadership skills?

The Leadership Assessment Questionnaire is perfect for you if you're running a Human Resources consultancy, a corporate training business, or any organization keen on identifying and developing leadership potential.

It's brilliantly crafted to extract valuable insights about a person's leadership style, conflict resolution abilities, and commitment to professional growth. So, whether you're evaluating a potential hire or considering a team member for a promotion, this questionnaire has you covered.

Tired of chasing people to fill out your forms? Try Content Snare

Content Snare is like a forms tool on steroids. Autosaving forms mean no progress is lost. Automatic reminders mean you can relax knowing your forms will get finished without you having to chase people down. 

Questions to include on your Leadership assessment questionnaire

1. Personal Information

This section collects basic information about the respondent.

  • What is your full name?
  • What is your contact email?
  • What company do you work for?

2. Leadership Skills

This section aims to understand the respondent's perception of their leadership skills.

  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your leadership skills? (1 being the poorest and 10 being the best)
  • What leadership style do you identify with? (Transformational, Transactional, Laissez-faire, Autocratic, Democratic, Bureaucratic, Charismatic)
  • Can you share an example of a situation where you demonstrated your leadership skills?

The question about leadership style is complex as it requires the respondent to have a good understanding of different leadership styles. However, it can provide valuable insights into how they approach leadership.

3. Conflict Resolution

This section seeks to understand the respondent's ability in conflict resolution, an essential aspect of leadership.

  • Have you ever had to resolve a conflict within your team? (Yes, No)
  • If yes, can you briefly explain how you handled it?

The conflict resolution question is important as it gives insight into how the respondent handles conflicts, their problem-solving abilities, and their interpersonal skills.

4. Team Building and Collaboration

This section assesses the respondent's skills in team building and collaboration.

  • How do you foster a collaborative environment within your team?
  • How do you handle a team member who isn't performing up to standard?

5. Professional Development

This section determines the respondent's dedication to their personal and professional growth.

  • Have you attended any leadership training programs or workshops? (Yes, No)
  • If yes, please specify.
  • How do you plan to further develop your leadership skills?

The question about leadership development is important as it shows the respondent's commitment to continuous learning and improvement.

Other question ideas

When you are creating your Leadership assessment questionnaire, here are some additional questions you may want to consider. These won't apply in every case, but should give you some ideas as you build out your form.
  • How do you ensure your team maintains a healthy work-life balance? This question would provide insight into the respondent's understanding and commitment to their employees' well-being.

  • Have you ever had to lead a remote team, and if so, what unique challenges did you face? This question could shed light on the respondent's adaptability and ability to manage teams in a remote work setup.

  • Can you share an instance where you had to make a difficult decision that was not popular among your team? How did you handle it? This question can provide understanding about the respondent's decision-making skills and ability to handle dissent.

  • How do you measure the success of your leadership? This question can reveal the respondent's self-awareness and the metrics they personally use to evaluate their performance.

  • What innovative strategies do you use to motivate your team? This question can provide insight into the respondent's creativity and how they inspire their team to perform better.

  • How do you handle feedback and criticism from your team members? This question can reveal the respondent's receptiveness to feedback, their humility, and their commitment to continuous learning.

  • How would you handle a situation where your superiors disagree with your leadership approach? This question can provide understanding about the respondent's ability to handle criticism from higher-ups, as well as their ability to advocate for their leadership style when necessary.

  • How do you include diversity and inclusion in your leadership style? This question can reveal the respondent's commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion within their team.

  • How do you keep up with the latest leadership trends and practices? This question can show the respondent's commitment to continuous learning and staying updated in their field.

  • Can you share an instance where you had to lead through a crisis? This question can provide insight into the respondent's crisis management skills.

Things to consider

  1. Ensure Clarity - Make sure each question is clear and concise to avoid confusion. Ambiguous questions may discourage respondents or lead to inaccurate responses.
  2. Use Appropriate Field Types - Use field types that are most relevant to the questions. For instance, 'range' for rating, 'textarea' for open-ended questions, and 'radio button' for yes/no questions. This makes it easier for respondents to answer and for you to analyze the responses.
  3. Keep It Short - Long forms can be off-putting. Try to keep the questionnaire as short as possible while still gathering the necessary information.
  4. Provide Context - For questions that ask about specific incidents or situations, provide a brief explanation or context. This will help respondents recall and provide detailed answers.
  5. Prioritize Privacy - Ensure the privacy of respondents by not asking for unnecessary personal information. Also, assure respondents that their details will be kept confidential.
  6. Use Conditional Logic - If possible, use conditional logic to show/hide questions based on previous responses. This can make the form shorter and more relevant to each respondent.
  7. Validate Responses - Utilize form validation to ensure all necessary fields are filled out before the form can be submitted. This helps to ensure you gather complete data from each respondent.

How to create your Leadership assessment questionnaire

Now that you know what questions you should include, it's time to build your form!

The only problem is that traditional forms tools are inefficient.

People will forget to fill out your form. They'll get stuck halfway and not be able to finish it. Or they'll send you the wrong stuff. You end up wasting hours chasing people down over email. 

That's why you should give Content Snare a try. 

Content Snare is packed with advanced features that will have you hours:

  • Automatic reminders - Remind people to complete their form with fully customizable reminders.
  • Reject incorrect information - If a single question is filled out incorrectly, ask your client to re-do just that one item.
  • Autosaving - No progress gets lost. People can fill out forms in multiple sittings.
  • Comments and questions - If the person filling the form gets stuck, they can ask a question without having to email you.

Give it a go by signing up for your free 14-day trial. 

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