Template Ideas

Training evaluation form

training evaluation form

Looking to refine your company's training program? This ready-to-use training evaluation form can benefit various types of businesses, from small startups to large corporations.

Designed for human resources professionals, the form gathers valuable feedback on your training sessions, helping you identify areas for improvement and assessing participant learning outcomes. By using this form, you can enhance and streamline your training process, ultimately contributing to your employees' growth and success.

Tired of chasing people to fill out your forms? Try Content Snare

Content Snare is like a forms tool on steroids. Autosaving forms mean no progress is lost. Automatic reminders mean you can relax knowing your forms will get finished without you having to chase people down. 

Questions to include on your training evaluation form

1. Participant Information

Gather basic information about the participant who attended the training for record-keeping and communication purposes.

  • What is your name?
  • What is your email address?
  • What department do you work in?

2. Training Details

Collect information about the specific training session the participant attended to help with organization and assessment of individual sessions.

  • What is the name of the training session you attended?
  • Who was the trainer for this session?
  • What is the date of the training session?

3. Training Evaluation

Ask participants to evaluate various aspects of the training to gain insight into the effectiveness of the session and identify areas for improvement.

  • How would you rate the overall quality of the training session? (Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent)
  • Was the content of the training session relevant to your job? (Yes, No)
  • How would you rate the trainer's knowledge of the subject matter? (Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent)
  • How well did the trainer engage and interact with participants? (Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent)
  • Were the training materials provided (e.g., handouts, slides, etc.) helpful? (Yes, No)
  • Were there any technical issues or logistical challenges that hindered your learning experience during the session? (Yes, No)

4. Learning Outcomes

Determine if the participant feels they have gained new knowledge or skills as a result of the training.

  • Do you feel that you have a better understanding of the subject matter after attending this training session? (Yes, No)
  • Were there any specific topics or skills that you found particularly useful? If so, please describe.
  • What topics or skills do you feel still need more coverage or clarification?

5. Suggestions for Improvement

Encourage participants to provide feedback and suggestions for improving future training sessions.

  • Do you have any suggestions for improving the training content or delivery?
  • Are there any other topics or skills you would like to see covered in future training sessions?

The evaluation of specific topics or skills and suggestions for improvement helps identify areas where the training could be enhanced or expanded upon, directly contributing to the effectiveness of future sessions.

Other question ideas

When you are creating your training evaluation form, here are some additional questions you may want to consider. These won't apply in every case, but should give you some ideas as you build out your form.
  • How likely are you to apply the knowledge and skills gained from this training session in your daily work? (scale of 1 to 10)

    • This question helps assess the practical applicability of the training and whether participants see a direct connection between the content and their job responsibilities.
  • If the training session was not mandatory, would you have chosen to attend? (Yes, No)

    • This question helps gauge the intrinsic interest and perceived value of the training amongst participants, which can inform future training offerings.
  • How well did the training session align with your existing knowledge and experience? (Not at all, Somewhat, Moderately, Very well, Extremely)

    • This question provides insight into whether the training is appropriately tailored to the experience level of the participants, ensuring that the content is neither too basic nor too advanced.
  • In which format would you prefer to receive future training sessions? (In-person, Online live, Online self-paced, Blended)

    • This question helps determine the preferred learning format of participants, allowing for better accommodation of individual learning preferences in future training sessions.
  • What was your favorite part of the training session?

    • This question highlights the most impactful or engaging aspects of the session, allowing trainers to refine their approach and focus on elements that resonate with participants.
  • What was your least favorite part of the training session?

    • This question identifies areas where the training session may have fallen short, providing an opportunity to address those issues or modify the content to improve future sessions.
  • How can we better support you in applying the knowledge and skills gained from this training session in your daily work?

    • This question gathers feedback on additional resources or support that may be required to help participants more effectively implement the training content in their work, ensuring greater long-term impact.

Things to consider

  1. Accessibility - Ensure that your form is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, by following web accessibility guidelines (e.g., sufficient color contrast, alternative text for images, and keyboard navigation).
  2. User-Friendly Design - Keep your form visually clean and organized by using clear labels, adequate spacing between questions, and intuitive grouping of related questions. This makes it easier for participants to fill out the form.
  3. Mobile-Friendly - Optimize your form for mobile devices by using responsive design, ensuring that it can be easily completed on smartphones and tablets.
  4. Required Fields - Clearly indicate which questions are mandatory and which are optional, so participants know what information is necessary for form submission. However, be cautious not to make too many fields required, as this may discourage participation.
  5. Progress Indicators - If your form is long, consider adding a progress bar or steps indicator to give users an idea of how much of the form they have completed and how much remains.
  6. Save and Continue - Allow users to save their progress and return later to complete the form, especially if it is lengthy or requires thoughtful responses.
  7. Validation and Error Messages - Use real-time input validation and clear error messages to help users correct any mistakes before submitting the form, minimizing the likelihood of errors or incomplete submissions.

How to create your training evaluation form

Now that you know what questions you should include, it's time to build your form!

The only problem is that traditional forms tools are inefficient.

People will forget to fill out your form. They'll get stuck halfway and not be able to finish it. Or they'll send you the wrong stuff. You end up wasting hours chasing people down over email. 

That's why you should give Content Snare a try. 

Content Snare is packed with advanced features that will have you hours:

  • Automatic reminders - Remind people to complete their form with fully customizable reminders.
  • Reject incorrect information - If a single question is filled out incorrectly, ask your client to re-do just that one item.
  • Autosaving - No progress gets lost. People can fill out forms in multiple sittings.
  • Comments and questions - If the person filling the form gets stuck, they can ask a question without having to email you.

Give it a go by signing up for your free 14-day trial. 

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