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057 - Design for non-designers with Mor Cohen

Agency Highway
Agency Highway
057 - Design for non-designers with Mor Cohen

Mor Cohen teaches design to marketers, web developers and business owners. Design can seem like a higher power or magic to those of us to think we don’t have it as a gift. But with an understanding of the foundations and having the right processes in place, you can create great designs. 

In this interview you’ll learn about common issues non-designers face when designing and creating digital content, putting processes in place and why it is important to understand the basics even if you are outsourcing design.

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Connect with Mor

About Mor

I'm a branding and web designer, with over 20 years of experience.

I teach design and branding to digital marketers, web developers, entrepreneurs, and course creators. 

While working as a branding and web designer, clients kept expressive the same frustrations and struggles: confusion, frustration and lack of design inspiration, spending way too much time on trying different layouts, second-guessing every font pairings and color combinations, being embarrassed to show their own sites to clients and lacking the confidence to charge higher fees.

So I decided to help and create my DesignClass course where teach them design principles and share my secrets so they can learn how easily build and proudly their beautifully branded website, increase their confidence and command higher prices.
