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105 - Creating a portfolio that actually converts with Preston Lee

Agency Highway
Agency Highway
105 - Creating a portfolio that actually converts with Preston Lee

Many agency portfolios end up as a dumping ground for previous projects. In this interview, Preston Lee from describes how you can create a portfolio that prospects actually want to look at and that helps convert them to clients.

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The questions James asks Content Snare clients for case study interviews

What industry are you in?

What is your primary job role?

When it comes to X, what was the biggest challenge, frustration, obstacle you ran into before using content snare?

Were there any additional problems you looking to solve? (Outside of the single biggest challenge)

What was it costing you in terms of time, money, frustration?

How did you discover Content Snare and what made you decide to try it?

What happened when you tried it that convinced you it could help you?

What tasks can you achieve with Content Snare?

How were you handling all of these tasks before?

What worked and didn’t work about your old way of doing things?

How has Content Snare impacted your long term goals and overall performance?

What feature(s) of Content Snare could you not live without?

How do those features make your life better? What do they allow you to do?

What are some of the unexpected benefits and results of using Content Snare? 

Connect with Preston

About Preston

Preston Lee is the creator and co-host of Freelance to Founder, a podcast for freelancers who are ready to scale. Co-hosts Clay and Preston coach freelancers in real-time with actionable advice for building more than just another job. Tune in on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.
