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How this digital marketing agency saves 50 hours each month using Content Snare

Discovering Content Snare as a result of a Google search allowed Ranksey to start saving stacks of time and stacks of money.

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Ranksey is a digital marketing agency located in Ogden, Utah with a sharp focus on fulfilling their customers’ digital needs. They build and explode brands with a wide variety of different strategies, from web design to branding to search engine marketing.

We spoke with Tanner, Founder and CEO, to learn more about where Ranksey’s issues with content collection began and how Content Snare helped eliminate them for good.

No process 

Before Content Snare, I was just going back and forth with clients.

We’re also able to say from experience that back and forth is the absolute worst.

A process that should take no longer than a couple of weeks can end up extended to more than two months when too much to-and-fro is involved. 

The process before I found Content Snare involved sending clients an email with a long list of things needed for the design. 

There are many problems with collecting content by email, such as:

  • Getting sucked into lengthy, time-consuming email trails
  • Not being able to track the client’s process and timelines
  • Not being able to set restrictions to avoid receiving content that doesn’t comply with what you’re looking for
  • Overwhelming the client by requesting large amounts of information at once

For the above reasons and many more, it was important for Ranksey to revise their content collection method. 

There was really no process in place for getting all of that information. 

Sometimes finding the perfect processes for your business can take some time but, as soon as they’re in place, you’ll reap the benefits.

Without a content collection process, businesses are susceptible to delays, confusion and needless losses of time.

Even if we did get information, it was scattered in 20 different emails or within links to Google Docs or Google Drive folders. It was just so hard to keep organised.

Sometimes receiving content in various locations and in a bunch of random formats can actually be worse than getting nothing at all.

Imagine the time you’ll have to waste searching for content, reformatting things and requesting new content to replace the items that can’t be used?

I went to Google and typed in ‘good ways to get content from clients’ and up popped Content Snare. I knew it was a gamechanger and I subscribed that same day.

Even Google knows that Content Snare’s the way to go. 

A solution for all 

My clients have been really good about filling it out.

Content Snare has always been (and will always be) a client favourite due to the simple and intuitive nature of the UI.

Whether you’re tech-savvy or you haven’t touched a computer in decades, you won’t struggle with Content Snare, as it was built for everyone.

The email reminders keep everything on schedule and it’s just super nice to have all of the information in one spot.

Being on-time with your project AND being able to collect and access all of your content in one space is like living in a dream world for a web designer. 

Content Snare saves me at least 4 to 5 hours per client, which equates to 40 or 50 hours per month, at least.

Time is best spent on the things that matter (i.e, the things that are going to directly increase your business’ ROI) and, quite frankly, content collection is not one of them.

The time Ranksey is now able to save by using Content Snare instead of faffing about with 20+ emails per client (otherwise known as the dreaded email trail) can now be spent on much more important tasks.

I like the platform a lot. It makes my life so easy.

That’s exactly what we’re here for!

Endless value

I didn’t have any doubts before signing up. My time is my most valuable asset and, if I see something that can save me time and money, I’m happy to pay for it.

Hundreds of business owners in 60+ countries use Content Snare on a daily basis and, like Tanner, as a result, get the most value out of their time and money.

Right now we’re a super small company but we’re looking to grow and I really believe that Content Snare is helping us achieve that. 

It’s important not to underestimate the power of refining your processes, as it can really transform your business.

If, like Tanner, you’re looking to grow your business with the help of an awesome new content collection process, don’t hesitate to grab your free trial of Content Snare today.

The smart way to collect content and documents

Ready to start saving time and turn content collection chaos into organized bliss? 

Give Content Snare a try today with your free trial.

Ranksey Digital Marketing


Ranksey is a digital marketing agency with an emphasis on strategy. The strategy and customer focus that goes into each project yields profound results.


Sifting through 20+ emails with content provided in all different formats was growing tedious and difficult for Ranksey to deal with.


An intuitive, user-friendly platform built to please businesses and customers alike and to provide a much smoother content collection process.




West Haven, Utah
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The smart way to collect content and documents

Ready to start saving time and turn content collection chaos into organized bliss?

Give Content Snare a try today with your free trial.

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