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Facebook groups for web designers

facebook groups for web designers
By James Rose. Last Updated June 17, 2024

Over the last few months, I’ve been checking out lots of different communities that web designers can go to for advice. I’m not talking about design inspiration or purely technical advice, instead advice for running a great business.

There are loads of different communities all over the web including LinkedIn, Facebook and the good old traditional forum. But in the end, the only really active ones with great info ended up being all on Facebook.

Let’s get into it. Here are the best Facebook groups for web designers.

Web Design and WordPress

TrailBlazers fm (previously WP Innovator)

Hosted by THE man Lee Jackson, Trailblazer fm is a great podcast with some great advice, even if you aren’t using WordPress.

Naturally, there’s also a Facebook group where podcast listeners (or just web designers) hang out, share good info and discuss cool things. You’re just not allowed to post cat pictures.

Check it out here

Grow Your Web Design Business

Full disclosure… this one is our group. With an incredibly original name </sarcasm>, this is where we share all the best stuff we find for web designers and developers. That includes these blog posts, as well as awesome content from other great resources.

The content in here will help you improve processes, grow your business and do less work.

With this content, we take a strict less-is-more policy and only post the legit good stuff. I’m tired of wading through blogs with lots of crap content with one or two nuggets of gold. Now we take care of that part for you.

Check it out here

Niche Agency Owners

The goal of the NAO Facebook group is to offer its members premium content, priceless partnerships and valuable resources.

Check it out here

The Admin Bar

the admin bar

A brilliant group with very active members and admins. There's loads of help to be had in here, as well as regular helpful advice.

Check it out here

Advanced WordPress

Obviously, this one is only for the WordPress crew.

This group is where I find out about almost every awesome new (or old) plugin that has made big changes to the way we build sites. Some of the commentaries on these posts has been very enlightening and helpful.

On the flip side, it really is for advanced topics only. I frequently see people get torn apart for asking “beginner” questions, even borderline ones. That said, just by reading stuff in here, you’ll be better off.

Check it out here


Content Creators

content creators

This one is run by Kim Doyal, once known as "The WordPress Chick." Her speciality is now content creation, and her group is full of people creating awesome content to drive traffic.

Join here

Automation Nation

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This group run by Barry Moore is all about the automation side of your business. Common topics include CRMs/marketing automation, payment processing, Zapier, lead capture. In other words, the stuff you need to be doing to improve your business.

Join here

Other Notables

Beaver Builders - If you’re a Beaver Builder user, this is a must

Advanced WooCommerce - If you are big on WooCommerce as well

Divi Web Designers - Run by another great guy, Josh Hall. I'd recommend checking out his web design training while you're there.

There are obviously a ton more groups out there that I have not included here. I’ve only included the ones that:

  1. Are free
  2. Give me a ton of value consistently

So there you have it. Check ‘em out and let me know what you think in the comments.


James Rose

James is the co-founder of Content Snare - a software platform that helps professionals collect content & files from clients.

Once an automation engineer, his new priority is to help business owners regain their lives, be more productive and get more done in less time.
