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Content Marketing Services to Increase Traffic - Where to Focus Your Efforts

content marketing services
By James Rose. Last Updated June 17, 2024
Content Marketing Services

Have you considered hiring a content marketing agency to increase organic traffic to your website? We don’t blame you – content marketing services provide expertise on how to increase quality website traffic and encourage conversions that you simply wouldn’t know how to do on your own. Did you know that there are different kinds of content marketers available? How do you know which are best for your business goals, and more importantly, what are the different kinds? We’re going to take a look at different content marketing services out there to help you increase web traffic so you know where to best focus your efforts

Creating Killer Content

When it comes to marketing efforts, creating epic, quality content should always be your top priority for increasing traffic to your website. After all, what’s the point of having a website if you’re not filling it with informative and creative content? And we’re not just talking about creating quick, 100-word blurbs to post every now and then – we’re talking about in-depth, informative blog posts and engaging content, ranging from 1,000 – 10,000 words in length.

Upgrading Existing Content

If you already have awesome writers that can consistently add great content to your website, consider hiring a marketing agency to simply upgrade it. Upgrading can mean a few different things – adding length onto current articles, improving existing articles’ structure, optimizing for SEO, adding infographics, or even just updating them for the current year.

Keyword Research

If you have all your other ducks in a row, you may just require keyword research to increase organic traffic to your website. This allows you to create your own content around keywords or phrases most likely to drive traffic to your website. In this case, find a content marketing service that offers a content plan. This means that the content marketing agency thoroughly researches which keywords and phrases are going to work for your website and will provide you with metrics and analytics to back it up.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Beyond content creation, search engine optimization (SEO) services should be where you focus the majority of your efforts. You can have as much killer content as you want but if your website is not optimized for SEO, the likelihood that the right people are going to find and appreciate it is slim. SEO has many different parts and is a multi-step process – unfortunately, there isn’t a button you can press that optimizes your website for search engines across the board. A content marketing service can help improve your website’s SEO across many spectrums, including:

Technical Crawlability for Search Engine Indexing

Technical Crawlability

This might sound like a bunch of technical mumbo jumbo but basically, you need to make sure that, on a technical level, search engines can find your website. This is done by making sure that the relevant technical aspects of your website are lined up to do so. To do this, a marketing agency looks at your website and corrects both the passive (e.g. providing a content site map to search engines, ensuring there are no missing pages or broken links) and active technicalities (e.g. alerting search engines to new added or updating content).

Content Coding

When it comes to coding for SEO optimization, it mainly boils down to the structure of the website’s content, like the hierarchy of how web pages are displayed on the website. Web pages that are higher up in the hierarchy should be the first displayed in search engines. Your home page should come first, followed by main pages, followed by subpages. Content marketing services make sure that the rules and guidelines are followed to optimize the pages you want to appear first to get the most conversions.  You could also use an article rewriter to analyze your content and reword it for better SEO.

Linkbacks/Referral Links

Linkbacks are another way to heighten your search engine ranking, increasing traffic to your website. Linkbacks are the number of websites that – you guessed it – link bank to your website and the more you have of them, the better. Content marketing services can work on ways to increase your linkbacks/referral links and ensure that your content can easily be shared.

Social Media Engagement

When it comes to increasing website traffic, social media is an incredibly helpful and lucrative tool. Content marketing services help you implement your social media content strategy properly. Providing consistent updates to your business’s social media accounts and using the correct hashtags (which can be strategically researched) are important to make sure your business can easily be found. Social media posts can also easily be shared which provides both free marketing and makes it easy to create linkbacks/referral links.

A great way to earn good quality linkbacks and hone your writing skills is by writing for HARO. Check out a few HARO tips to get you started.

Website User Experience

Optimizing your website for the user’s experience is another factor that increases traffic to your website. A content marketing service makes sure that the user gets the best experience possible from your website which includes making sure you have a mobile version. Having a satisfying user experience for your website can not only encourage traffic but also keep it there. A content marketing service looks at design elements and inserts links and calls to action from the user – all of which are considered by search engines in the ranking of your website.

While these are not the only content marketing writing services you can look into to increase traffic, they’re a fantastic way to start. There are many different areas in which a content marketing service can provide either suggestions for improvement or completely revamp your business’s website to increase traffic – it all depends on both your needs and your budget.


One comment on “Content Marketing Services to Increase Traffic - Where to Focus Your Efforts”

  1. A good social media presence is gold these days. Due to the pandemic, people are forced to stay home and they're on their social media profiles for most of the day. So if you want to spread the word about your brand or product, establishing a good social media presence is the key.

James Rose

James is the co-founder of Content Snare - a software platform that helps professionals collect content & files from clients.

Once an automation engineer, his new priority is to help business owners regain their lives, be more productive and get more done in less time.
