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5 copy & paste-able onboarding email templates for better client success

onboarding email templates
By Sylva Sivz BComm. Last Updated June 17, 2024

Creating onboarding emails is one way to improve your onboarding process to see better customer success and engagement. 

Whether you’re about to write your first client onboarding email or need some inspiration for tweaking what you already have, you’re in the right place. 

In this post, we’ll share 5 onboarding email templates you can copy and paste from and tweak as you please. 

Let’s get going! 

Onboarding email template #1 - how it works  

Your welcome email is an opportunity to demonstrate how your product or service works and clear up any confusion. This first template is actually our very own template. 

We use our onboarding email to:

1. Express our gratitude to our new customers for choosing us.  

2. Give clear instructions on the first steps they can take to start using our tool immediately. 

3. Highlight a few key things they need to know to have a great customer experience.
4. Let them know where they can get support if they get stuck.

Our onboarding email also includes a video of our founder giving an overview of how Content Snare works. We highly recommend adding a video like this into your email too for better engagement and to give your customers the option to watch vs. read. 

Hi [NAME], 

On behalf of the entire team, we'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you as a new customer. We're delighted to have you on board and are grateful that you have entrusted us with [BUSINESS PROCESS YOUR COMPANY TAKES CARE OF].

Please read the instructions below to get started with [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

How it works
Watch this video for a quick introduction. 


1. [Step #1 for how your product/service works] 
2. [Step #2 for how your product/service works] 
3. [Step #3 for how your product/service works] 

A few things you should know
1. [Must-know #1 about your product/service]
2. [Must-know #2 about your product/service]
3. [Must-know #3 about your product/service] 

If you need help
[Customer success team email address + contact information]

Getting started
Click the button below to get started.


Streamline your onboarding process with Content Snare

Content Snare simplifies the process of gathering information and documents from new customers so you can support them the best that you can. Create digital forms and questionnaires or use our templates to save plenty of time while providing a superior customer experience. 

Try it for free

Onboarding email template #2 - sharing a personal story 

If you run a coaching practice, for example, you might want to use your client onboarding email to tell your story and make a personal connection your new customers can relate to. 

Here’s an example of a client onboarding email that gives a personal touch, It’s both vulnerable and motivating all at once! 

Hey, [NAME],

Thanks for signing up for [YOUR TOOL]. You now have a [PRODUCT OR SERVICE] tool that you can rely on for [PURPOSE].
[BENEFIT] is so important in today’s day and age. 

E.g. After spending years struggling with [PAIN POINTS] myself, I was itching to make a bigger impact. Once I had the idea to start my own coaching practice, I worked as hard as I could to design [TYPE OF PROGRAMS] I knew my clients would benefit from. I made it my mission to be able to support people in the way I needed back then. 

E.g. Today I help [TARGET MARKET] just like you achieve [DESIRE] through [COACHING SERVICES]. 

I absolutely love doing all that I do, and the best part about it is being able to inspire and share what I’ve learned along the way. 
I’m so excited to work with you and help you achieve [DREAM], [NAME].  
Are you ready to get started? 

All you have to do is log into [PRODUCT OR SERVICE NAME] and book your first session with me!

I can’t wait to see what we accomplish together!

Onboarding email template #3 - highlighting the benefits 

There are so many different ways you can tailor your onboarding email. This one is written to remind new customers of the benefits they’re about to experience now that they’ve signed up for the product.

What’s great about this one is that it also includes a link to a survey to help the company assess how the customer found them.

No matter how you choose to write your onboarding email, including a survey like this is such a great idea. The more research you can gather through your customers, the better informed your marketing can be! 

Thank you for signing up for [COMPANY NAME]! 

We're so glad you chose us to help you manage [BUSINESS PROCESS]. 

[COMPANY NAME] was born out of the idea that business owners should be able to focus on [TASK] and not have to spend time managing [TIME CONSUMING TASKS]. 

We’re here to help you: 

1. [BENEFIT #1] 
[One line explaining feature + benefit + how this helps them.]

1. [BENEFIT #2] 
[One line explaining feature + benefit + how this helps them.] 

1. [BENEFIT #3] 
[One line explaining feature + benefit + how this helps them.] 

We know you're going to love [COMPANY NAME], but if we ever miss the mark our support team is available and ready to help at [CUSTOMER SUCCESS TEAM CONTACT INFO]. 

One last question — How'd you find us?

Answer using the link below. These answers help inform our decision-making!


Until next time!

Onboarding email template #4 - first in an onboarding email series  

Let’s say your product or service is something a lot more complex like a CRM. If it feels impossible to highlight just a few things the customer needs to know as we saw in template #1, then you’re better off writing a series of shorter onboarding emails to break up your instructions and guidance. 

If this sounds more up your alley, you’ll want to use your first email in the series as a welcome email that lets the customer know what’s about to come down the pipeline. Keep it short and sweet like this: 

Welcome to [COMPANY NAME]! 

Hi [NAME], 

If you’ve been worried about [CUSTOMER PAIN POINT], consider this your fresh start! 

We're so glad you found us, and we're confident this is the start of a long-lasting friendship. 
[PRODUCT NAME] is here to help you [SOLVE PROBLEM].

You’re embarking on a new journey to [IMPROVED LIFESTYLE]. 

In the coming days, we’ll be in touch to show you how to get the most out of your [MEMBERSHIP/SUBSCRIPTION], but more importantly how to [SPEND TIME ON MORE IMPORTANT TASKS].

If you ever have any questions on how to use [PRODUCT], feel free to reach out to our support team at [CUSTOMER SUCCESS TEAM CONTACT INFO]. 

Onboarding email template #5 - social media follows  
If one of your goals is to keep growing your online presence and foster strong engagement online, then you can use your onboarding to push your social media platforms.

This onboarding template will work well for you if your company is inspiring a movement of some sort, or if your customers share a big passion in common. 

Welcome to [COMPANY NAME], [NAME]

You’re one of us!

You value [VALUE]. We value [VALUE] too!

And there are hundreds of thousands more of us out there. 

With over [NUMBER] customers served to date, [COMPANY NAME]’s movement is here to [MISSION]. 

We invite you to check in with our online community where you can connect with us and find more people just like you. 

Plus, that’s where we share our newest products, latest releases, discounts and more! 

Join us on: 

Facebook, where you can interact with our [NUMBER] strong community
Instagram, where we post about [TOPICS]
Our blog, where you can check out our [TIPS]

Thanks again for joining our movement and welcome to the family, [NAME]!

We hope to see you on one of the platforms!


Onboarding email template #5 - social media follows  

If one of your goals is to keep growing your online presence and foster strong engagement online, then you can use your onboarding to push your social media platforms.

This onboarding template will work well for you if your company is inspiring a movement of some sort, or if your customers share a big passion in common. 

Welcome to [COMPANY NAME], [NAME]
You’re one of us!
You value [VALUE]. We value [VALUE] too!
And there are hundreds of thousands more of us out there. 
With over [NUMBER] customers served to date, [COMPANY NAME]’s movement is here to [MISSION]. 
We invite you to check in with our online community where you can connect with us and find more people just like you. 
Plus, that’s where we share our newest products, latest releases, discounts and more! 
Join us on: 
Facebook, where you can interact with our [NUMBER] strong communityInstagram, where we post about [TOPICS]Our blog, where you can check out our [TIPS]
Thanks again for joining our movement and welcome to the family, [NAME]!
We hope to see you on one of the platforms!

Why are onboarding emails so important in the onboarding process?

We hope these templates have given you some good inspiration on what to include in your onboarding email. We wouldn’t be us if we didn’t at least go over why writing a welcome email is so important in the onboarding process.

Writing a killer onboarding email is like rolling out the welcome mat for your new customers. It's not just about saying hi, it's about setting them up for customer success. Think of it as your opportunity to show them the ropes, introduce the cool features, and avoid any situations where they get lost in your product. This little welcome note is the secret sauce to a smooth start, making sure your customers don't feel like they're left to figure it all out on their own!

Writing a solid onboarding email isn’t just about being nice either, it’s smart business too. Not only will it help you make a lasting first impression, but a good onboarding email jumps in ahead of potential bumps in the road, tossing solutions to hiccups before they even happen. 

Don’t just think of it as an email; it's the beginning of a promising customer relationship. 

Looking for more guidance on writing onboarding emails?

Here are two more helpful resources you might want to read next:

Streamline your onboarding process with Content Snare

Content Snare simplifies the process of gathering information and documents from new customers so you can support them the best that you can. Create digital forms and questionnaires or use our templates to save plenty of time while providing a superior customer experience. 

Try it for free


Sylva Sivz

Sylva Sivz is a seasoned copywriter here at Content Snare, based out of Vancouver, Canada. She has spent years working in agency environments and moonlights as a touring house DJ!
