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Types of websites: 12 popular types of websites you can create

types of websites
By James Rose. Last Updated June 17, 2024
Types of Websites

Looking to create a website but feel overwhelmed by the possibilities? The internet is bigger than you can imagine and contains an endless number of websites, all competing for attention. When it comes to planning your own website, it’s important to carefully map out what you’re using it for –What is its purpose? What are you hoping to achieve? – and select the type of website that suits you best. If you’re wondering what we mean by “type of website”, you might be surprised to know that there are a lot of options to choose from. Let’s look at the 12 popular types of websites so you can make an informed decision about what works best for you.

1. Personal website

A personal website does not necessarily exist to make money, though it can. It could just be about getting your ideas, thoughts, and general content out into the world. A personal website could contain a personal blog where you have the opportunity to monetize the site if you choose, as well as photos, vlogs, links to your social media platforms, etc. A personal website can be a rewarding project and is a great way to represent yourself in the wide world of the internet.

2. E-commerce website

E-commerce website

An e-commerce website sells products. When using a website builder to create your site, you often see an e-commerce category – selecting this enables you to add a shopping cart to your website where potential customers can use a credit card to purchase items from your shop. There is a certain amount of setting up to do with an e-commerce website but it is usually simple enough, especially if you use an eCommerce platform, many of which offer website builder capabilities that are specialized for the needs of online retail. Paying a monthly or annual fee for hosting on a platform where everything is available to you is a great way to set up your shop quickly and easily without having to worry about too many technicalities.

3. Portfolio websites

Portfolio websites are extremely helpful if you’re looking to showcase examples of your work, all in one place. Portfolio websites are popular for any creator, whether that be an artist, photographer, journalist, or graphic designer. Having examples of your work in one place is a great way to show prospective new clients what you’re capable of – and you better believe in this day and age, a prospective client will choose to work with someone with an online portfolio that they can peruse versus someone who doesn’t have one.

4. Nonprofit website

Nonprofit website

Nonprofit websites are important for any charity. It’s an integral part of putting your cause out there for the public to find and donate to. Having a nonprofit website is your chance to explain what your charity’s all about and what your cause of action is while letting someone decide for themselves if they want to support it. It’s a perfect way to reach as many people as possible and develop legitimacy as a charity.

5. Business website

A business website is any website that’s built to represent a business. At the very least, it includes what the business is about, what products and services they offer, and contact information. A business website can also act as an e-commerce website if it includes the option to purchase products but often provides more information about the company than a simple e-commerce website does.

6. Entertainment website

Entertainment website

An entertainment website exists purely for entertainment purposes. Successful entertainment websites are extremely popular and receive hundreds of thousands of hits every day. Entertainment websites are about boosting the mood of the reader and having a little fun. A couple of prime examples of entertainment websites are the immensely popular Buzzfeed and The Onion.

7. Brochure websites

Brochure websites are a type of business website but are much, much simpler. You’re basically looking at a few pages of exactly what that business has to offer. Brochure websites usually include and “About” page, a description of products or services, possibly a photo gallery, and a contact page. This may be enough for your business, especially if you don’t plan on selling your products or services online.

8. Educational websites

Educational websites create a web presence for academic institutions or for anyone offering an online course. They may also offer educational materials to customers and may also be considered an e-commerce website.

9. Web Portal websites

Web Portal websites

Web portals are not designed for the general public to use – they’re often a portal to private information meant only for the eyes of a company’s employees, students enrolled in online courses, or for other internal purposes. They often provide personalized views for each user.

10. Infopreneur websites

Infopreneur sites are often multiple types of websites rolled into one. They’re part business website, part personal website, part e-commerce store, part blog, and part education. They exist for a public figure to get their information out there in the form of e-books, tutorials, courses, or videos. Infopreneurs often sell their teachings on their websites and offer a certain amount of free information.

11. Media websites

Media websites are not exactly entertainment websites – they exist first and foremost to inform the public about current news and events rather than focusing on creating content for the purpose of entertainment. These include such websites as CNN, the Daily Mail, and Fox News.

12. Wiki/Community forum websites

The first website that pops into your mind in this category is probably Wikipedia and if you know what Wikipedia is, you know that it contains information compiled through a community. Anyone can add to Wikipedia and other community forum websites work the same way. These can be simple to create and user-generated content is the primary source for information.

So, there you have it! Bet you didn’t know there were so many different categories of websites to create. Before you select which one is right for you, think about your needs. A simple, straightforward platform to get your information across may be enough or you might want to focus on building an online store. Either way, there is a tremendous amount of options and tools available to help you get started.


James Rose

James is the co-founder of Content Snare - a software platform that helps professionals collect content & files from clients.

Once an automation engineer, his new priority is to help business owners regain their lives, be more productive and get more done in less time.
