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How to build a trademark questionnaire (free template included)

trademark questionnaire
By Drazen Vujovic. Reviewed by: James Rose. Last Updated June 17, 2024

Trademark application should be a straightforward procedure, but it often becomes challenging for law firms struggling to gather information from clients. This process takes much longer than needed if you don’t use a well-structured client intake form.

But the solution is fairly simple — build a trademark questionnaire from scratch or use a ready-made template. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to create a comprehensive trademark intake form for your clients.

Let’s check it out!

Want a ready-made questionnaire template? Get it for free

Content Snare is a simple tool that helps you collect trademark information and files from clients. Send our questionnaire template to your clients as-is, or customize it as you see fit.

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Questions to include in your trademark questionnaire

submit to the patent and trademark office

Client information

1. Company/organization name

2. Type of business/industry

3. Contact person

4. Address

5. Phone number

6. Email address

7. Website URL

Trademark details

8. Do you currently own any trademarks? If yes, please provide details.

9. What is the proposed trademark? 

It can be a word, logo, slogan, or a combination.

10. Please specify the elements of your trademark.

11. Upload a sample of your trademark. 

12. Please provide a detailed description of the products or services associated with the trademark.

13. Are there specific versions or materials of the trademark for different products or services? If yes, please specify.

14. Are there specific colors or fonts associated with the trademark? If yes, please specify.

15. How would you describe the message or image you want the trademark to convey?

16. Does the trademark include any distinctive sounds or slogans? If yes, please specify.

17. Please specify territories or countries where trademark protection is sought. 

Background research

trademark search

18. Have you conducted research to identify existing trademarks similar to the proposed trademark? 

19. Were there any trademarks found that are identical or similar to the proposed trademark? If yes, please specify.

20. How similar are the existing trademarks to the proposed trademark in terms of name, design, or other elements?

Trademark ownership questions

21. Who owns or will own the trademark (e.g. corporation, LLC, individual)?

22. Please provide the names and contact details of all owners of the trademark.

23. Specify the percentage of ownership for each individual or entity.

24. How are decisions related to the trademark made within the ownership structure?

25. Is the trademark transferable? If yes, please specify your plans (if any) regarding the potential transfer.

26. What documentation can be provided to verify ownership of the trademark? 

Please upload the available documents. 

27. Are there mechanisms in place for resolving disputes related to trademark ownership? If yes, please specify.

Create a trademark intake form that suits your clients

create a trademark questionnaire with Content Snare

Content Snare is a simple but powerful form builder with a built-in trademark questionnaire template. Our template has all the questions listed above, but you can add/remove some or edit the questionnaire as you see fit. 

But that’s not the only benefit of using Content Snare. Our tool will gently nudge your clients with automated notifications so you don’t have to send email reminders manually. All it takes is to choose a reminder schedule and the system will do the rest. 

Trademark applications can be confusing for many clients, but you can guide them through the process with in-form instructions for each question. There’s also the option of leaving a comment, which means your clients can ask questions for further assistance. Content Snare keeps your data safe and sound, a fundamental feature for all types of legal procedures. 

Test our platform for 14 days — no payments or credit card information required.

Create your trademark questionnaire with Content Snare

Sign up to get our pre-loaded trademark intake form template. You can send it to clients as-is, or edit/expand on the questions as you please.

Try the template for free


Drazen Vujovic

Dražen Vujović is a journalist and content writer. More importantly, he is a father of two and a long-distance runner.
